I get two of them are supposed to be humans, and the police a faceless enemy, but it feels like something unconscious and racist was also accidentally said visually.
Lady’s tiny like a Hobbit or a Troll or something.
I didn’t say a stereotype is being applied, except to the fascist (that they’re ubermensch).
I’m starting to think people aren’t able to read what I’m saying. No wonder you guys are peacefully accepting the new regime. You all seem defeated and trapped in your ideological mindsets.
I never mentioned her race. I actually have a heavy redlight filter on my phone and thought it was a depiction of a Mexican woman. I said something about her height, not her race
But I agree she is depicted as super humanly short, or rather the cop is being depicted as super humanly tall - as an untouchable ubermensch.
Are they three different species?
I get two of them are supposed to be humans, and the police a faceless enemy, but it feels like something unconscious and racist was also accidentally said visually.
Lady’s tiny like a Hobbit or a Troll or something.
the blue donkey is the DNC, a caricature of how the democrats are represented. its similar to how the republican party is depicted as an elephants.
I don’t see anything racist about this, wouldn’t think too deeply about how its drawn
Standing, she’d be about the height of one of the cops legs. I get that some people are short, just has an awkward read visually.
Ah yes, the common raciat stereotype of black people being… uh, short
I didn’t say a stereotype is being applied, except to the fascist (that they’re ubermensch).
I’m starting to think people aren’t able to read what I’m saying. No wonder you guys are peacefully accepting the new regime. You all seem defeated and trapped in your ideological mindsets.
Good luck.
That’s not what you said. You said the black lady was like “a dwarf or a troll”. Maybe the problem is you being able to read what you wrote?
I never mentioned her race. I actually have a heavy redlight filter on my phone and thought it was a depiction of a Mexican woman. I said something about her height, not her race
But I agree she is depicted as super humanly short, or rather the cop is being depicted as super humanly tall - as an untouchable ubermensch.
lol I see what you are saying, but I think you’re being critical of the artistic liberties taken when drawing this
Yeah… You know, there is something being said here, but you’re completely missing the point.
Let me put it another way; the cop is Goliath, symbolically. A big, giant, well armed brute that beats down on a minority. Get it now?
The premise is jackboot cops fucking with a black person and your takeaway is that the artist is racist?
I said unconscious… I even stated “accidentally” and said it was visual.