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This doesn’t seem to mirror my experiences, is the DNC actually pushing a position of not worrying about the situation? Or is this in relation to lack of newsworthy action from a lot of the party heads? /gen
This doesn’t seem to mirror my experiences, is the DNC actually pushing a position of not worrying about the situation?
Biden had immunity to do literally anything to prevent the rise of fascism. What he did: nothing.
He increased the funding of cops and send trillions to wars abroad
Pardonned his own son for any crime he might have committed during a period of 11 years.
“We’re not going to go after every single issue” -Schumer
“We are picking the most important fights and lying down on the train tracks on those fights.” - also Schumer, immediately after saying that.
Exactly. In the cartoon above, “pulling the trigger” would be “the most important fight”.
As a trans person that has been begging anyone to intervene in my state for the past 4 years - being told over and over again that the shit that was happening was not happening… yeah.
Kinda like how Nex Benedict was murdered and no one cared. A trans woman in Grove disappeared a few years ago and her body just turned up - cops probably did it but no one will ever look into it.
It’s been happening here ALREADY. I’ve been SCREAMING about it for years and no one’s listened. Now the fascists are at everyone’s door.
Cops in Oklahoma routinely slaughter people. The feds have been trying to shut down OKC County jail for years because people die. They’ll often kick them out right before they are about to die so it doesn’t draw attention. Multiple deaths in Cleveland County jail too. Ten deaths in three years - just the ones they can’t cover up ofc.
If we glaze enough billionaires it’ll be us pulling the trigger one day
The blue moderate is still our only hope (spoiler: it never was)
I mean the part that no one really wants to confront is that there is no alternative with a viable chance. The blue moderate has been suffocating all other options for ages and now that it’s come to this, there’s nothing waiting in the wings to rely on.
That’s because blue moderates are far more highly palatable to the majority of Americans than hard leftists. The hard thing to confront is that despite how it feels on Lemmy you guys aren’t a voting bloc worth pursuing.
The moderate Dem voters would have still turned out for Sanders in the general. Fuck this timeline and fuck the defenders of those who put us on it.
So the reason they tried to start a national movement to vote Republican when it was Obama…
That wasn’t the progressive policy he was campaigning on?
I thought that’s what it was, if not, why do you think a bunch of boomer “moderates” just could stomach voting for Barrak Obama?
What charestic besides policy stances do you think made them go Republican, assuming you’re right they’d have voted for Bernie.
The truth is, if Bernie was the candidate we wouldn’t have needed them, just like we didn’t need them for Obama
Not on policy
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“You know, maybe if we write another really strongly worded letter protesting this madness, they’ll change their minds and this will all blow over!”
then please lead by example!
by all means, none of us will stop you.
Are they three different species?
I get two of them are supposed to be humans, and the police a faceless enemy, but it feels like something unconscious and racist was also accidentally said visually.
Lady’s tiny like a Hobbit or a Troll or something.
the blue donkey is the DNC, a caricature of how the democrats are represented. its similar to how the republican party is depicted as an elephants.
I don’t see anything racist about this, wouldn’t think too deeply about how its drawn
Standing, she’d be about the height of one of the cops legs. I get that some people are short, just has an awkward read visually.
lol I see what you are saying, but I think you’re being critical of the artistic liberties taken when drawing this
Yeah… You know, there is something being said here, but you’re completely missing the point.
Let me put it another way; the cop is Goliath, symbolically. A big, giant, well armed brute that beats down on a minority. Get it now?
Ah yes, the common raciat stereotype of black people being… uh, short
I didn’t say a stereotype is being applied, except to the fascist (that they’re ubermensch).
I’m starting to think people aren’t able to read what I’m saying. No wonder you guys are peacefully accepting the new regime. You all seem defeated and trapped in your ideological mindsets.
Good luck.
That’s not what you said. You said the black lady was like “a dwarf or a troll”. Maybe the problem is you being able to read what you wrote?
I never mentioned her race. I actually have a heavy redlight filter on my phone and thought it was a depiction of a Mexican woman. I said something about her height, not her race
But I agree she is depicted as super humanly short, or rather the cop is being depicted as super humanly tall - as an untouchable ubermensch.
The premise is jackboot cops fucking with a black person and your takeaway is that the artist is racist?
I said unconscious… I even stated “accidentally” and said it was visual.
From the depths of history, Vasily Grossman once again:
One of the most astonishing human traits that came to light at this time was obedience. There were cases of huge queues being formed by people awaiting execution – and it was the victims themselves who regulated the movement of these queues. […] And it wasn’t merely tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, but hundreds of millions of people who were the obedient witnesses of this slaughter of the innocent. Nor were they merely obedient witnesses: when ordered to, they gave their support to this slaughter, voting in favor of it amid a hubbub of voices. […] What does this tell us? That a new trait has suddenly appeared in human nature? No, this obedience bears witness to a new force acting on human beings. The extreme violence of totalitarian social systems proved able to paralyze the human spirit throughout whole continents. A man who has placed his soul in the service of Fascism declares an evil and dangerous slavery to be the only true good. Rather than overtly renouncing human feelings, he declares the crimes committed by Fascism to be the highest form of humanitarianism; he agrees to divide people up into the pure and worthy and the impure and unworthy. The instinct for self-preservation is supported by the hypnotic power of world ideologies. These call people to carry out any sacrifice, to accept any means, in order to achieve the highest of ends: the future greatness of the motherland, world progress, the future happiness of mankind, of a nation, of a class. […] The violence of a totalitarian State is so great as to be no longer a means to an end; it becomes an object of mystical worship and adoration. […] Another fact that allowed Fascism to gain power over men was their blindness. A man cannot believe that he is about to be destroyed. The optimism of people standing on the edge of the grave is astounding.
I looked him up to verify the quote and this guy has banger after banger. Appreciate the recommendation.