AbeBooks: Amazon acquired AbeBooks, founded in 1996, in 2008
Wait, what?
In 1998, Bezos was an angel investor in Google. His $250,000 investment’s value has ballooned to roughly $3 billion. This and his 2011 investment in then-startup Airbnb are some of his most prominent.
Double whaaaa?
Seriously, I had no idea that he’s got his claws in everything. I guess I should have, he’s a billionaire and all.
Diversity is the key to a profitable portfolio.
That is woke. Banned.
DEI, but only for stocks, I guess
Ugh, iRobot too. So now I’ve got to replace my Ring doorbell and get rid of my expensive robot vacuum and mop. Damnit.
Oh well, I can vacuum and mop by hand.
Fortunately, our Alexa devices are gone, Audible has been cancelled, our Kindles have been replaced, Amazon Prime, Amazon Kids, and Amazon Prime Video subscriptions are cancelled, and I just got my old photos copied down from Amazon Photos yesterday. So, I think I’m good to delete my Amazon account altogether.
I didn’t see thriftbooks on the list, so that’s a relief.
Great job pulling the plug. I’m over 95% unplugged. Abebooks was my book source though because I thought it was independently owned.
Edit: btw, most of those camera systems are owned by some kind of schmuck. Nest is Google.
Bookshop.org supposedly shares revenue with your local book store.
Thank you, I will give that a shot.
Any video surveillance not controlled by you and you only seems like a bad idea. iRobots products have had privacy problems for years, regardless of whether they’re owned by Amazon or not (which they aren’t, merger got cancelled). Alexa does cost them money, but I wouldn’t use any non-FOSS non-self-hosted smart home system for privacy and security reasons.
Someone up there posted this
This can be confusing. Should I stop reading the WaPo? Well, I already don’t subscribe, jump the paywall, and block ads. Me using the site hurts him more than if i didn’t. Same thing with the Smart Speakers. Amazon has lost (IIRC) like 12B on that venture, and so long as you don’t use it to order stuff, it’s costs Bozo for a person to use it.
Bezos having a say in what news you read or don’t read benefits him quite a bit.
This can be confusing. Should I stop reading the WaPo? Well, I already don’t subscribe, jump the paywall, and block ads. Me using the site hurts him more than if i didn’t
Most of the good people have left though, yeah?
Why should I know this? Will this help me with fixing my floorboard? Or help me at work? Missing the helpfulness of the sub in this post.
Some people don’t like him and are trying to avoid doing things that he will profit from.
Some of these are incorrect. Amazon didn’t acquire iRobot, and the planned acquisition was terminated in January 2024.
Good for him. If I had money I would also probably invest.
Acquired, acquired, acquired, acquired.