She may not have a receptionist, but does she have a cat?
I encourage my daughter (4) to run and peek through the small window beside the front door whenever the driver is out there taking photo. She always looks like a goblin.
That’s some Major League parenting 😄✊️
Her child will definitely not run and hide from the doorbell/door knockers like the rest of us 😂
I’ve had this a lot.
I guess it might be because in the delivery person’s app this option could be very similar to the one they meant to select:
Handed to Receptionist
Handed to Resident
And everyone knows that resident doesn’t necessarily mean a resident of your house either
Handed to resident package thief
Removed by mod
Yea, the word isn’t really used these days, and if it’s used, it’s frowned upon. Has a very bad ableist ring to it
I personally would prefer it not be used around here in general. I don’t delete it overall, but I will occasionally depending on its usage. I have known too many good people with intellectual disabilities who were abused by bullies calling them that word.
Well yeah, context derives meaning which is why words have multiple definitions. I’m not disparaging the differently abled but people’s surface level disdain for it is tedious. Barely a decade ago it was the polite way to characterize someone but we needlessly allow words themselves to be tainted rather than take the time to address the context and the meaning used with it.
I’m sorry, it was not “the polite way to characterize someone” barely a decade ago. It was a big insult when I was in school in the 80s and 90s.
Sir it was in a Disney show when I was growing up. Yes, it was the polite way to say it. - It quite literally means slow. Fire retardant, for example, slows fires.
Sorry… why does it matter that it was in a Disney show when you were growing up?
Again, ‘retarded’ has been an insult for a very long time. It hasn’t even been federally legal to use the term “mental retardation” since 2010 (more than “barely a decade”) and by that time, the only people using the term was the federal government. The same federal government that used ‘negro’ until the 2000s. Are you going to claim ‘negro’ was the polite way to refer to a person in 1995 next?
But sure, call it polite. People who are actually bullied by it would disagree with you.
… Because Disney after the whole Hitler era became sanitized and kid friendly and I don’t think they were throwing in slurs on their kid friendly shows.
Starting to think you’re making stuff up because it’s not illegal to use. They made legislation to change the terminology from “mental retardation” to “Intellectual disability” for the Federal Register but made no claims that to use it is illegal.
By the mere fact this exists means Federally it was the proper term to call someone “Mentally retarded”. The proper term. I don’t think the Federal government was using slurs in legal documents as instanced by the fact they changed it when it started being used for that.
I treat customer service reps with patience, friendliness, and a little bit of awkward humor. Had to activate a phone awhile back and was struggling. Had an issue with one of the steps just not working. It was due to their poorly worded online guide. Customer rep confirmed that this issue does happen, etc etc. Told her “It’s okay. Small issue, we’ll figure it out. You’re not the one responsible, though I really appreciate your help.”
Rep, "Oh no you’ve been really patient and kind! I am happy to help "
And she did help. Probably more than she needed to since she wasn’t in the service department at all. I had been transferred to Sales without realizing. So huge props to her on that one.
I try to do this as well. It usually ends up being resolved quickly, as building rapport with the person on the line often leads to them feeling more invested in helping.
I’m sure it’s a breath of fresh air to have a break from being on the other end of passive aggressiveness, screaming, and other forms of behavior that come from grown adults having tantrums over spilt milk.
3 letters of mass destruction
what? cum or lol?
Well, at least the sense of humor is present on both sides.
Most companies would do their CS agents a lot of good by allowing them to be themselves a bit more. The amount of times you can hear the inner turmoil as an agent knows they’re saying something wrong, but that’s what’s on the script is painful, and you waste about 30 mins just breaking through “the company code”
Relevant XKCD:
The most unbelievable part of this is someone using Haiku as a daily driver.
it’s getting there :(
Do people not say hi to customer service reps?
Yea I agree with that wholeheartedly, but the point of it is about people sending someone a hi and nothing else, not ignoring basic manners.