Theres literally a list of compatible devices on the website.
Theres literally a list of compatible devices on the website.
That it doesn’t matter what other people think of me as long as I’m happy.
Thats what Ubuntu users say.
Use your imagination.
I judge you for that.
I even judge people for spelling errors in my messenger, openly.
I bet my left nut it runs NetBSD flawlessly.
Using a DE, Neovim or systemd.
Fucking casuals.
Certain Open Source movements are pure bigotry and opportunism, the Linux Kernel / The Linux Foundation for example, so it doesn’t really make me wonder.
Choosing the urinal next to another man.
Really feels kinda gay, though, especially when the dude next to you squints over.
I’m still on DOS.
People referring to themselves as huge Nerds or Geeks are usually the ones that would like to be, but simply aren’t, while those rigidly fighting these labels are the real bad ones as I observed.
Just dont pull a gun when some gets unauthorized on your property.
I never claimed that OpenBSD was aimed at the Average Joe, though.
So whats your point?
For quickly testing something: fuck screws.
For long-term use: both a tight as I can so I barely can unscrew them later because why not.