Ignoring hype is the best way to consume media.
Ignoring hype is the best way to consume media.
Seconded. I actually enjoyed the game for what it was, almost Skyrim in space. Almost, don’t shoot me for saying that.
I had fun with the various factions, with constellation, and the story was reasonably unique but maybe not extremely enthralling.
That said, my expectations were basically zero. I purposefully ignore all prerelease hype about video games as it tends to ruin the actual experience of playing the game for the first time.
Family court. Prison time. Homeless assistance. Failing education rates for boys. And on and on.
There’s a huge amount of topics in “men’s rights”
Men’s rights
Boys being left behind in school
Thankfully, downvotes don’t matter. So we can keep having fun.
Apparently I needed the /s. I thought it was pretty obvious.
Shut up. Women are talking.
Isn’t that the whole point of social media? A cathartic outlet that doesn’t actually affect anyone or anything.
I’d argue this is the opposite of what was asked.
In the early days, no one would post sources or attribute “stuff” to anyone. We’d all just share what we thought were cool pictures.
Now, everyone gets mad when you dont post the name of the artist and their socials.
Please cite, with examples from reality, better systems.
Regarding capitalism, in reality, it is the best system we’ve seen so far.
Yes, theoretically other systems could be better for the general public. But in reality, they never have been.
I’d expend your tldr just a bit to include.
I’ve gotten my last 2 jobs through LinkedIn. I know it doesn’t work well for some fields, but for tech it is great.
Similar to you, but I also hate the advertising industry with a burning passion and want to deprive them of any and all data possible.
You forgot to mention you use Arch, btw.
To be fair, this is describing all advertising.
The fact that downvoting is seen as possible misbehavior is enough for me to be extremely against public votes.
It will also strengthen the hive mind, exponentially.
I know this is unpopular, but I don’t understand why people care so much about which storefront they use to buy a game. I buy it where it is cheapest.
Hell, Epic takes less of a share of the sale. It is better for devs.
For me, the social aspect of the store I buy games from is irrelevant.