Wait, again? Didn’t they already try to put it back in theaters a few years ago, by releasing it in 3D?
(well they wanted to do the entire prelogy but abandonned when the first one failed I think)
probably the 20th anniversary? I guess we can expect this every 5 years…
These “returning to theaters for X anniversary” things are dumb af.
I own the fuckin movie. Why the fuck would I pay money, to sit in a theatre with a couple dozen other people, when I could just watch it at home and A) Not spend any unnecessary money and B) Not deal with other people who could potentially interrupt/disrupt my viewing experience!?
Give us the prequel trilogy special edition
Now with 20% more Dewbacks!
It’s so dense. Every single frame has so many things going on in it.
“I may have gone too far in some places.”
“They’re building sets! I’d better start working on this script pretty soon…”
Isn’t that kind of what the 2011 blue-ray re-release of the Phantom Menace was?
They changed puppet Yoda to CGI Yoda, and maybe a few other tweaks.
It’s spelled Ewan.
Hello there.
Yup, we’re truly in the darkest timeline
That’s a longer period of time than when the first movie released until Phantom Menace… dam I’m old.
KORAH RAHTAHMAH!Corn on… the cob!
Corn on… the corn cob!
Fun story I’ve told on Reddit previously. I got to sing in a John Williams tribute concert with my local symphony orchestra years ago. On the last day of our performance, I convinced the basses around me to sing “Corn on the cob, corn on the kebab” (though I like corncob much more).
I’m singing in a Star Wars specific concert this May. Might try the same shenanigans!
Ooh, I’m jealous! I’d love to perform some orchestral Star Wars one day…
Wow so that’s what they’re saying.