That takes me back!
There are people on this site, coherent and educated, that have not been alive, when this meme was created.
I’m old
Me 🙋♂️
Yesterday I saw someone ask for an explanation of the hunter2 meme
What is the ******* meme?
Like a Masaccio painting, from the Il Quattrocento of memes.
The old masters were on another level.
I don’t like this for two reasons:
If you have to lie to a person to get them to like you then they don’t actually like you (or know you). So what’s the point?
If you lie to a person to get them to like you then you’re an abusive manipulator who has no business beimg in a relationship.
It’s a cute little comic about how people feel on first dates and how crazy dogs look drinking from a hose.
You come off as someone who has no personality if they’re not talking down to others.
You seem fun to be around
I value honesty far more than popularity, i guess that explains why i don’t like the comic lol
with savage wild fun free-spirited tastes like their, how could they have been comfortable in a formal restaurant to begin with?
Don’t know why I read it as Hosé?
Gotta raise your pinky claw when sipping at it
The last panel is so great!
Not sure how I feel about the brown dog having visible norks, though.
She’s definitely the one!
It perfectly captures all the essence of dogs going full berserk crocodile goblin mode
My dog: “I’ll have the vintage mud puddle, please.”
My dog: “One crevice of Suspicious Liquid™ please. Extra chunky.”