I love that little critter though.
Love or love love?
Can I see more of this?
There’s really not much more to reveal until she’s just naked.
The rest of the comic is pretty rough and poorly done, like someone just copied frames from the porniest pornos and it’s not that hot. This image was the best out of it and why it was used for the meme.
Oh. You are so wrong. Is that the mom, the sister, the stepsiblings’s girlfriend?
If this takes place in Alabama, she could be all of those things.
This is literally the best image of the comic, the rest is kinda half-assed and just a lot of closeups of roughly drawn genitalia. Save yourself the disillusionment and use your imagination, I promise it will be better.
I’m not sure if it’s still around or how to find it, but there used to be a website that existed to explain the joke in comic strips and they were constantly baffled by Marmaduke.
I want to see that site
I looked but couldn’t find it, but I did find this, which is pretty fun.
Yeah, that’s good. I’m smiling more reading this than the comic
Marmaduke tipped a cab driver with a bone. But presumably he paid the actual fare with cash, which honestly seems much weirder to me…
Sometimes I find myself thinking about these things for too long and it’s never good for my health.
This is hilarious.
Someone posted it
Comics I Don’t Understand?
The original site owner died a few years ago but the community have kept it running.
Yes! That’s it! Thank you!
This post is just as weird as its comment section.
I read it for the hats I swear
- helmets
- Protective headgear
He was looking at the junkyard cats inexplicable smoke show of a girlfriend from the cartoon
Cleo, from the Catillac Cats. SFW if your filters are on and don’t scroll down too far.
Rule 34 subsection A19 states that no matter what you search, it will inevitably lead to porn.
Okay, I’ve been doing this for over a year and not once has somebody mentioned the junkyard cats. Congratulations!
My favorite thing about that is that heathcliff’s girlfriend was just some normal ass cat. Why was the other chick furry bait?
Was this part of the liberal agenda even back then?
Why was the other chick furry bait?
Back in the before times, if you were a furry and had no outlet for your… proclivities, then you ended up just getting really good at drawing on your own without social media validation, you climbed the ladder of art and animation and you secured a career designing characters for cartoon shows about animated animals.
Do you see the world in shades of political agendas?
To be fair, this was long before furries. So I wouldn’t say there was an agenda here. Just that there was a lot of oof.
Liberal agenda to originally create furries.
Cleo was not part of the liberal agenda. Maid Marion from Disney’s Robin Hood, however…
As a child I came to know the “Fuck me” look because of that movie
Lion King.
She was a weapon of mass destruction, obviously planted in US society by the commies during the Cold War to subvert America’s ideals and traditional ideas about sex and attraction.
They were probably hoping that they could confuse an entire generation of youths into realizing that notions of desire and attraction are actually just self-reinforced patterns of reward behavior based on a very narrow set of parameters and need not even be bound by species, and that the resulting chaos would lead to an entire generation of young people choosing to retreat to fantasy and imagined worlds instead of going out and dating real people and thus the birth rates will plummet AND RUSSIA IS GOING TO JUST WALK RIGHT IN WAKE UP SHEEPLE.
A normal ass-cat? What does that look like?
Nice xkcd reference!
Probably like the other half of CatDog
How did catdog poop?
I grew up watching the Heathcliff cartoon, but seeing the comics being posted on Lemmy (with or without Heathcliff) are not quite what I expected from the animation.
If I had to pick the single biggest difference between Heathcliff, the cartoon and Heathcliff the comic strip, it would be that in the cartoon Heathcliff talks. It was the '80s and content creators had zero influence on what made it to the screen. The very idea that the Creator could have an input in the result was an abomination back then.
But also, let’s be honest, she was hot.
And for those that have no idea who we’re talking about:
Everyone back then concerned about shows making their kids gay, but then growing up with characters like Cleo and Gadget and becoming furries. 😁
I’m not saying Gadget made me straight but she definitely confirmed I wasn’t gay.
Gadget 100% lead to my fetish of preferring nerdy girls. Unfortunately none of them liked me back.
Oh, right. THAT Gadget. I was confused for a minute there.
Go Go Gadget Gay Detector!
Is this suggesting she has a leotard on with full sleeves and gloves?
That’s up to whatever fetish you have
there’s a comic?
That’s really some fine culture right there.
Why does this not have the numbers?
Because the original website is nhentai.net, the .com one is trying to mimic it.
Wow. I didn’t notice that.
I thought perhaps the site was updated. Also that they had western comics felt strange.
I’m not linking the incest pr0n. Even on Lemmy.
Fine. Please someone else do.
It’s posted higher up. Also it’s actual incest, no step-deniability, so if that’s not specifically your kink it’s just presumably underaged penis and vagina.
Give him the fucking sauce now you fucking kink-shaming piece of shit
I read this in Morty’s voice
I love your energy.
Love like a brother?..
What are you talking about step-Lemmy?
Now kiss!