Shouldn’t that be Prime or Netflix?
At least Netflix has a button on the site you can click and cancel.
Now, gym memberships…
Prime is now a lot easier to cancel, since they got sued.
Netflix I only ever subscribed to with a gift card, so that was pretty easy…
Cancelling is easy with consumer protection laws.
Every service you can sign up for online in the USA has an easy cancelation process, as Californian law mandates it. However, some services geogate that process so that only Californians can use it, making everyone else go through a more tedious process, just because they can.
FTC click-to-cancel (which is modeled after the Californian law) can’t come soon enough. Companies are complaining about it because they make a lot of money by retaining customers that want to cancel, but it would be very easy for them to all roll out their California-specific cancelation flows to everyone.
Kid named my gym membership
“Jim Membership”
“Jim Body”
Jim Embers Hip
This death note book, I’d be more into having it for the fact it comes with an imaginary friend.
Careful, if you’re not interesting you won’t be kept around for long
Cancel the Netflix version of Death Note
That shit was absolute trash
No such thing exists
Was that with Willem Dafoe?
Yeah, the one good part of it
Except for Ryuk. He’s good even in terrible adaptations.
Start adding CEO names.
Start with Putin and Netanyahu. If they’re cancelled by everyone, that includes their subordinates. They won’t be able to wage their wars if people won’t follow their orders.
It’s basically the death note but less brutal
Or maybe more brutal, depending how harsh the cancelling is
Its better than the death note
If you kill hitler, people would still miss him and try to copy him
If you convince everyone on Earth to hate him, he wont have the power to do anything and people wont miss or try to copy him when he dies
It may also be hard to buy anything if you are hated by everyone on Earth
Actually a good idea
And Rotenberg, Miller, Gref. They are Putin’s oligarchs with very russian-sounding lastnames.
Kadirov, Patrushev, Soloviev, Kiselev.