Guys with long hair are hot, i’m not dating a man that looks like andrew fucking tate
I’m gonna stay in relatively decent shape, shave my head and take my future kids trick or treating as Agent 47.
Best part is it won’t matter what I wear I just need a barcode on my head.
Only shaved my once. Been a burr boy since
Making a phone call??? What is this?
Expedient texting. Or hanging out, but over distance.
Riddle me this, call not-likers: what is the difference between calling your friend, over the phone, and calling them on your teamspeak of choice (or whatever is popular these days).
Is it the impromptu nature of it? Just don’t answer when it’s not convenient then, it’s not the 90s, they can follow up with a text if you can’t pick up.
Is it the talking to people in general? Then I fail to see why calls are the issue.
This is assuming you know the personal calling, via callerID.
Is it you feel more rushed and flustered because you can’t see each other, and thus can’t pick up on visual cues?
All in all, thoroughly confused why people have an aversion to calls, I think they’re rather expedient and useful. Depending on what’s called for. (I feel this way in both work and social contexts).
Bros calling the cops on them because of the earshot sexual harassment
At least faking a call so they leave him alone.
You can listen to voice messages like this too you know?
Lies, that has to be on speakerphone.
I feel like I’m somewhere in the middle of these two.
You’re two chicks?
Fake. The guy is holding the phone to his ear instead of yelling at it on speaker phone.
For real, one of my least favorite in recent trends. Nobody wants to hear your whole freaking conversation.
I do! It’s like a lemmy comment thread IRL. I can give my opinion to complete strangers, completely unasked for, and free of charge.
Hey @nieminen I like your socks
You may not like it, but this is what peak male form looks like
Rule 34 LGBT+ Edition says there’s an entire genre of these guys in gay porn. Source: *flashes iridescent gay membership card*
TIL I am peak male form
That is not a crab.
This to real.
too reel
You don’t know where he’s going.
To Real, obviously.
To real what?
To really emphasize this misuse of too and loose the point of the statement.
Having a great personally is hot aswell as empathy/sympathy. 👌👌👌👌
Then the guy they think is hot rapes/beats the shit out of them kek (cough august cough)
Bro what is going on in your head. You need some help.
Lol. I didn’t know 5 year olds were on Lemmy o.o aussie gov go get em
what an odd thing to have your mind wander to upon seeing a comic about bald people
It felt planted. Reminded me of someone who got buff the last couple years and is pro rape. Women like him but when I talk to them and tell them about him being pro life and other stuff they instantly go ICK. He thinks women just mostly lie because “mens rights WAAAHHH” baby crying
what does that have to do with anything in this thread
It’s related to the comic!!!
yo what the fuck??
It’s true. Downvote away. Guys who are “hot” can treat women like shit. Classic Lemmy social justice warrior hivemind
I agree domestic violence is an issue, but you’re trivializing it to “attractive people always rape their partners” which is a horrible mindset to believe. Ive seen ripped guys who are the most adorable kindhearted people in the universe inside, and I’ve seen people who are just everyday joes be really tempered.
Abuse comes in many forms from many different types of people and you can’t discriminate based on what a very small percentage of their population do. I would recommend you to really self reflect on why you think that way and to not be so set in stone on the way you think of other people on the inside.You said always not me. Stopped reading there
It’s a waste of your time and emotional bandwidth. Just block and move on.
Is that the Freakin Reviews guy?
Bald guy still hot
This comic has always been a basis for my belief that balding men should just own it and shave their heads. The Picard haircut has always looked strange to me and not very stylish
Your choice when balding is to shave it and start lifting.
Nothing else.
Well, I’m halfway there.
Which arm?
Don’t forget the beard.
Bollocks. I’ve never lifted in my life. Bald for 25 years, and I’ve done alright for myself.
I fired mine before it quit.
the thing about balding that I didn’t expect is how fast the hair I have left grows. It’s like I have to shave it every week if I don’t want to look like that.
Every week? I shave every day. I don’t want my scalp all stubbly.
Well that’s, like, your opinion. Lotta people want to dig out that Picussy.
A new term for the “terrifying sounding words” vault lol
All this DAD bod means is a woman wanted me to be her daddy.