If you thought mustard in gas form was bad, then wait until you hear about mayonnaise in plasma form…
Bose-Einstein condiments will shook you.
I personally prefer quark-gluon toppings
I hear you can get those on DS9
Look one man’s weird ear rubs is another alien’s umloks
Wait? I am confused wasn’t that gas called Mustard because of the color?
Based on smell.
Sulfur mustards are viscous liquids at room temperature and have an odor resembling mustard plants, garlic, or horseradish, hence the name
One of my relatives got hit with it in WWI. As a result, in later years, he went blind and had lung issues that ended up killing him way too young. He (and apparently others in his company) had to fight to get disability.
I was told the enemy would first fire a gas that would induce vomiting so soldiers would have to take off their gas masks to puke just in time for them to fire the really bad shit. I haven’t verified that detail though so maybe it got mixed up hearing it third hand. He died years before I was born.
From german wikipedia: It was a practice called Buntschießen, ~ multi-color shooting, as German chemical weapons were color-coded. One would start with “Maskenbrechern” ~mask-breakers (blue) , designed to force soldiers to remove their masks, which were then followed by lung-affecting agents (green).
I’m not much of a mustard guy myself, but I’ll take a whiff of Sriracha gas if you got any.
You provide the Sriracha and I’ll provide the Sriracha gas.