Direct Link: https://www.geekxgirls.com/article.php?ID=12040
Original Artist: https://humoncomics.com/
Mother Gaia is a cruel and brutal bitch. Just read up on Darwin. No nazis killed as many beings as natural selection
Or limited and fallible.
You think Gaia would embrace me in those tig ol’bitties
Nature just wanted plastic.
I feel like more than a few people were clapping at first because they were thinking “yeah fuck recycling and taking care of the environment, we’re gonna be just fine!” Only to be hit with the punchline, “the planet and humanity is not ‘we’. ‘We’ humans are fucked.”
I get the sentiment, that we’re not killing nature, just ourselves, but “nature” is not one thing. Killing nature amounts to humans causing incredible suffering to untold trillions of individual animals each with a lilfe, a consciousness.
I saw my Kitty suffocate due to embolism and had to put her down and it’s no less of an awful event because it was a cat and not a human, it screwed me up and it was years ago. I imagine that level of needless suffering happening every day X 1 billion due to human greed and apathy.
“Nature” also has lots of suffering in it even without our help. I agree we shouldn’t cause undue harm, but the suggestion that animals won’t suffer without us is naïve at best.
My condolences for your kitty, but nature would not have granted her the more peaceful end you gave her.
Pretty sure I already specified unnecessary suffering, I didn’t suggest that animals wouldn’t suffer without us.
i like the ever so slight implication here that a handful of deer could presumably cause global warming if we just didn’t exist now.
I wonder how likely that is to be true.
Human-accelerated global warming wouldn’t happen via a handful of deer… But global warming was going to happen even if humans never existed. Global temperatures have waxed and waned since before life existed. The only difference here is that we’re pressing on the gas pedal (literally) and accelerating the process. The idea that global temperatures would have never climbed without humans empowers denialists by giving them a strawman to point at.
The Earth will shrug us off and carry on. It would be interesting to see what’s next. I suspect a marine mammal, jellyfish, or crab people.
Fun fact : this was the (slightly hidden) premise for Splatoon.
Those happy, colourful descendants of squids and other marine animals are playing paintball over the ruins of our civilization, long after human extinction.
They worship an old fax machine they found, too, for some reason.
They worship an old fax machine they found, too, for some reason.
That tracks. Fax technology probably will outlive us all.
Holy shit, is this for real?! I always thought octopuses would come next.
Yeah. It was revealed mostly through a couple of “scrolls”, rewards in the single player mode.
There was a human fossil (somehow petrified while playing Wii U) dated 12,000 years ago, and documents from scientists warning about global warming and oceans rising.
Last scroll was a message from a scientist, “the professor”, in the middle of the big extinction event 10,000 years before Splatoon. At that point all land life would disappear very soon. The professor did the logical thing and saved his cat.
Climate protection was never about saving species or eco systems.
It is about not fucking the whole planet wide eco system so that we can’t live anymore on this planet.
However even that we dropped for profits.
I mean basically anything relating to energy would have costed the double amount (at least).
Now we have also to reduce the co2 that was produced 200 years and the one that is triple the amount of the next 10 years.
Great filter theory: can intelligence evolve fast enough to outpace stupidity?
In my completely unprofessional opinion…no.
This is so fucking stupid.
No seriously. Stop. Think. This is SO FUCKING STUPID.
Humans can live IN SPACE. We are NOT destroying ourselves. We are HYPER ADVANCED COCKROACHES. We will easily survive whatever damage we cause to the planet.
The problem with destroying the planet is not that we’re destroying humanity. What a stupid, egocentric take. The problem with destroying the planet IS THAT WE’RE DESTROYING THE PLANET.
“Mass extinction? Eh who cares” is a FUCKING STUPID TAKE and I have no clue why so many people here are okay with it. What the fuck is wrong with all of you? This is NOT OKAY. MASS EXTINCTIONS ARE NOT OKAY.
Is this a fucking psyop? What the fuck?
Well, survive yes. But self-sufficiency is a big problem. The world is nowadays so interconnected that even a problem in only one region can severely affect all of humanity (e.g. semiconductors from Taiwan). So yes, a collapse of our modern society is certainly possible.
Destroying the planet is not really a thing. Mass extinctions in the past were a big deal but at the same time: Earth recovered. We only have a big problem because the plants/animals we need might go extinct.
Obviously valuing nature and wildlife diversity in and of itself is good but it doesn’t have any intrinsic value in regards to supporting society.
Destroying the planet is not really a thing
Also, can everyone please shut the fuck up with the “Well ACKSHUALLY, you’re not destroying the literal ball of rock and magma so you’re not destroying the planet”. Fuck you, you know what it means.
Sorry, I meant “destroy the planet” as in lifeless/only single celled organisms.
And you can kind of see humanity as “just another big asteroid impact”. Nature will recover competeley over the next million years or so. That’s what I meant with mass extinctions being kind of inconsequential for the planet as a whole on geological time scales.
Obviously mass extinctions are also bad besides their effect on human society, I just meant that that is mostly a spiritual one thats hard to measure, about lost potential and eradicating a species. As a thought experiment, is eradicating a disease, a form of life, inherently negative? Mosquitoes? Do you agree that it’s a big achievement that we eradicated small pox? What if we eradicate all existing diseases?
Mass extinctions are different. We should be aiming to never have any more mass extinctions ever.
Mass extinctions are BAD. Not because of how it affects human society, Jesus Christ. They’re just bad because we shouldn’t be fucking up the planet. That should be a baseline moral understanding and it’s terrifying that none of you are seeing it.
I think you might have misread the message of this comic. It’s not saying mass extinction is ok, or that we shouldn’t try to preserve the environment. It’s saying nature doesn’t need us, and we are killing ourselves. Nature and life will go on long after climate change kill us all. It’s saying humans are so egocentric they use the words “destroying the planet” when they only destroy themselves.
Also as far as I know we can’t live in space for very long currently.
We might be able to evolve and adapt to the harsh condition of space… in a few generations of breeding in space.
You see the Catch-22
Nature needs us to stop destroying nature.
Just to touch on a problem but there.
Humans can live IN SPACE.
Ahhh no… We can habitat space. We really really can’t live there.
We can’t really give birth or develop in space, gravity unlike ours will eventually deteriorate our bodies, even on Mars you will go blind and start developing clots before too long just from the slightly lower gravity. And that’s nothing of the radiation we are blocked from here on Earth.
The list is long and bad. We are adaptable but mostly on Earth adaptable. Able to survive climates and regions not everything ever. We can probably eventually figure out space but we can never just live there.
So when we destroy the planet we might really just take ourselves out too.
And more important than the below discussion, anyone got any more fucking “ACKSUALLY” comments from the goddamn peanut gallery?
It’s a conversation. Are you really this upset just cause reality is less magical than science fiction?
It’s not a peanut gallery. It’s the rest of the users on this site. The whole point of being here.
Lemmy is the most socially maladapted userbase I’ve ever seen on an internet forum. Almost every single time you make a statement, some hair-splitting contrarian will show up with a single counter example to derail the discussion.
I’m upset because you people need to learn how to communicate, and I’ll keep cussing at you until you get it.
The idea of living in space was on topic that you brought up.
You were wrong about it.
If you are upset then get off the Internet don’t take it out on other people assuming you are the only one who is right.
Blah blah no one cares
Of course we can. We could build a giant rotating shielded space station. We have all the technology, we just haven’t done it because it’s expensive.
I studied theoretical astrophysics as part of an earth and space exploration field.
Trust me, we really don’t just have all the technology. That doesn’t answer a lot of problems and you are assuming our level of science.
We might be able to figure out a good chunk of it if money is of no cost but that’s no guarantee.
Man not even to talk about material cost. It would take us decades.
Name a few problems.
Yeah I am not inspired to actually bother answering that if you are coming into this without an expectation of an actual conversation.
It sounds more like you want a fight and that’s not what I’m doing.
Space is not an easy answer. Even if you just want it to be.
I don’t really like “trust me bro” takes on things.
Yeah and you are doing the same. I pulled my credentials you just don’t want to be wrong cause it hurts your feelings.
Mama loves you even so
Papa Nurgle moment
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I don’t believe your mythology, but imagine giving someone a wonderful gift to enjoy and life off, and they drop their pants and shit all over it.
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Did you read what they wrote?
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Communism is devil worship
Based, long live comrade Satan!
Are you a stupid person or a stupid troll? Probably both.
Bad troll is bad.
Why the fuck are you bringing up communism and “devil worship” when literally no one said anything about it?
- sees someone disagree with their mythology
- proceeds to assume they must be a communist and try and insult them
You’re not a very good Christian.
You worship the stock market and private property like a golden calf.
Exactly. As a Christian we should be caretakers of the earth because God saw it and it was good and made us to look after it
And we are running it straight to hell
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Oh look it’s a fake Christian. Someone who doesn’t follow what Christ told them to do.
No, just a shitty roleplaying troll.
I’ve been saying this for years.
We’re actually going through the 6th mass extinction right now, so actually we are kinda killing most everything on the pla et, not just us.
We should want to preserve that. Unfortunately a handful of old rich dudes don’t care.
Humans are basically just another massive asteroid hitting earth. And just as mindless.
you missed the point completely. life has always survived mass extinction events and will survive this one too. life will eventually flourish once again and humanity will have been a blip in earths history
Right, the Gaia presented in this comic is a mother nature who does not give a shit about the lives of billions of animals. She only cares if life as a whole survives, she doesn’t care how many species go extinct and become lost forever. Only humans care about that.
Humans are the universe’s way of giving a shit about itself.
Up and to the right. Line must go up.
Nature will survive, this specific bird species perhaps not.
This specific bird is way to forgiving. It’s more like saying if on average 1 species dies every million years on average, we have killed thousands of species in a thousand years. Then throw in the idea that we also could say the percentage of population of those species we killed would be over half of them, we can say to ourselves, yeah this is really being accelerated. Mass extinction has already begun. People who say humans will survive it are optimistic because our adaptability. It’s more like if you want your descendants to be able to go outside and be able to breathe without life support systems, you should so something about it.
Yeah, the 6th mass extinction.
Some things yes, most things… Not by a long shot.
You could always google it instead of denying that it’s happening.
Going through? Yes. Causing? Yes. Could have modified or prevented it? Also yes in countless and effective ways over literally centuries.
Will we? No. No, we will not.
Cause the rich will be fine. They’re simply not affected by it.
Maybe the old ones who will die soon. But everybody else, including their children will be affected.
story of my life, i hope.
I think it’ll be funny to have a well known legacy, but without people having any idea of who the fuck i am.
God speed humanity, you fucking suck.
This is the only correct perspective, and there are relatively few people specifically at fault for the lying that’s been done to the public on important issues.