It would be dope if this really happened, and they hashed stuff out.
That’s what every wants. But instead they turn everyone against one another for votes aka donations.
That’s far too good for AI. It has to be photoshopped.
I’ve never seen “this is so good that it has to be photoshop” before
And it’s becoming increasingly likely you’ll never see it again.
That is a suspiciously normal looking hand with the correct amount of fingers.
It’s really not that hard to get correct hands so I usually assume the person posting is either lazy or doesn’t know about ways to touch up an AI gen picture if I see too many fingers or weird hands.
A non-boring dystopia
Drumpf can’t even hold a glass of water, I’m supposed to believe her can hold anything to smoke out of? He’d probably put the lit end of a blunt in his mouth and bite.
Biden shotgunned it into Trump’s mouth while they kissed.
This photo is fucking amazing lmao
You sick sick bastard. I love it
How’d he keep Trumps tongue from getting jammed down his throat though?
Tiny hands, tiny tongue. He barely noticed it.
I read this in Trump’s voice
Biden doesn’t look like Ivanka.
Would be a better timeline.
Fight me, I’m not joking.
I used to think we should dose all world leaders with a steady drip of MDMA but I’m not sure anymore
If you thought the national deficit could not get worse…
It would be a damn fun ride on the way down though!
If only
Why is Joe getting access to all his memories and thus realising the Golden Path?
(dune reference)
“I am not the Messiah, stop telling people that!”
1 hit of magic space juice and 5 minutes later
He’s not the messiah, he is a very naughty boy!
“You know, Donnie, this is sum good shit.”
Why would someone photoshop Bidens head on to Epstein?
I wish them both an abscence of munchies
Yeah AI can do magic (yawn)
Think this is just photoshop. The fingers are, well not wrong.
I dunno, his hands are a suspiciously normal-looking size.
I guess it’s better than sniffing adderall. Good for Trump. Maybe now he’ll relax a bit.
Why am I not surprised?
Because everybody smokes weed
“Both sides are the same”. Easy to see through, chuddy