You know how to can get turned off of eggs if you get the egg ick.
Well I’ve gotten that with coffee and pomegranate molasses too, what foods have done that for you?
And bonus, anybody know why that happens?
Also the ick isnt just getting bored of smth after a while, it’s one event that ruins that food for you. Also can’t be a food you are having for the first time. Ideally if it is being consumed in a normal way and its not the preparation of the food that ruins it.
American cheese, because I threw up once as a kid after I ate some. Honestly no big loss, I wouldn’t eat American cheese now even if I’d never thrown it up because it’s a trash cheese.
Also, any meat where I can tell what it once was. I don’t want to eat anything off of a bone, or anything’s skin, or god forbid a fish is served whole. Growing up we used to have whitefish sometimes on the weekend and no fucking thank you.
You have definitely been called a picky eater by your parents haven’t you.
Canned chicken. One time I decided to buy a can just to see if I can take a break from eating canned tuna (would have two cans of tuna as a meal)… the moment I opened the canned chicken I was like nooooooope. It smelled fkin gross.
Yeah that sounds disgusting.
My mom was cooking some beef and brown sauce dish as I was reading a book with cannibalism at way too young an age. I associated that smell with eating human flesh for over a decade and would have to leave the house as it was cooking.
I would actually love to try human meat at some point
Apparently similar to pork, but tougher.
Which brings me to my followup, I’ve always wanted to try pork. Have had bacon once but thats all.
Thats bc I live in a Muslim country and its very illegal
One of my favourite meats, there’s so many ways to make it delicious. I also live in a muslim place and it’s very hard to come by, although not illegal
BBQ pulled pork is delicious & readily available in a lot of places. I hope you get the chance to travel & pig out one day!
You know how to can get turned off of eggs if you get the egg ick.
I don’t think I do know actually. But here’s an attempt at answering this question anyway:
And bonus, anybody know why that happens?
We are usually very quick at relating sickness or even discomfort to the food we ate at the time or slightly before. This is a very valuable trait to avoid food that is unhealthy or even poisonous. But it’s only based on correlation, so it can turn us off food that is not actually causing the sickness but we just happened to eat at the time.
I get it but specifically with alcohol. For example having a very bad, messy night on scotch- just smelling it will now cause me to heave at least.
I quit drinking this way, one booze at a time!
Had slightly poisonous mushrooms, vomited for three days.
Needed two years to be able to eat mushrooms, again.
The body remembers.
I had the flu one time and barfed up shredded hashbrowns. Let me tell you, that stuff gets all stuck in the crevices of your mouth and teeth when you vomit it. Couldn’t eat hashbrowns for a good year after.
Sugar-roasted almonds. I was given a bad recipe to slowly cook the unpeeled almonds in sugar water until everything is dry. After a few bites the almonds tasted bitter and it took me some time to get that awful taste out of my mouth. Since then I can’t stand them.
Did the sugar burn?
Plain water. One time when I was young, I got thirsty and drank a lot of water straight from the tap. Then got sick and threw it all up. Now I have a hard time drinking plain water. I can drink water with flavor, I can drink water with food.
What about bottled mineral water?
I’ve never liked the taste of mineral water. I can do bottled spring or purified water if it’s cold, and usually ice water at restaurants.
At home, I usually drink room temperature water with True Lemon strawberry lemonade flavor.
I always got apple juice when I was ill as a kid, and I was ill a lot. As a result I cant stand apple juice or cider, they taste like sick
That’s 7up soda for me. It tastes like having a stomach bug.
Cherry for me. Not fresh cherry, but artificial cherry flavour. Inthinknwe must have had cherry flavoured paracetamol or something similar as I vaguely remember a horrible syrup.
Canned tuna. Childhood daycare food. Both my brother and I can’t stand it. It never made me vomit but it was a real challenge to get down, and I think he threw up from it once. I’m not sure what she did to make it so vile but there was a lot of mayo too and I couldn’t handle mayo for a very long time.
Have you tried cans of tuna with oil in them? I bought a can with water in it once and had to throw it out, but I love tuna in oil
Honestly, it has never occurred to me to try any canned fish. I don’t even like seared ahi. As soon as it’s cooked at all, it tastes like the nasty childhood tuna. Fully raw sushi tuna is okay though, thankfully.
Sardines are great and don’t taste like tuna. The best canned fish imo.
I have a coworker who has a fish lunch every week. Our break room is an old fireproof storage area with one way out for air to go. I normally like fish but fish without consent…
Peanut butter smells bad. Peanut butter smells like mouse traps.
No one else could set them (disabled, or cried about it) so it was all on me
Can’t stand the smell of peanut butter now
I knew pb was used in roach traps, didn’t know its also used for mice. Thats cool
I’m extremely allergic to it. I smell it and I can’t actually describe it as food - it just smells like danger.
Are you able to tell it is toxic to your system by the smell alone, or do you recognize the danger by association ? because you’ve been stung before ?
It’s so hard to say because the allergy has been present my whole life - many exposures. The same thing goes for the taste of peanuts/peanut butter - I couldn’t actually describe how it tastes because I’m about 30s from throwing up.
My parents took me to an Italian restaurant when I was a child, and the smell of olive oil was so overpowering I couldn’t get in. Still have trouble with olive oil to this day, maybe 15 years later
This is not an answer I had expected
This doesn’t fit the question at all, but I like to eat chicken and stars when I’m sick. They mostly taste like chicken flavored salt and taste exactly the same on the way back up.
lemon baked goods make me legitimately naseous (how tf u spell it???)
Don’t say that 😭😭. Lemon desserts are literally my favourite category of food.
Three bean salad, or anything with sweet vinegar sauce. That combo of vinegar taste and sickly sweetness is the single most disgusting thing I’ve tried. I can stomach most of the foods I dislike, but three bean salad will literally make me gag if I try to put it in my mouth.