I suppose running down the stairs when I was 5 or 6. Look I was really excited to use those stickers. Tumbled head over heels down the basement stairs and struck the top of my head on the support beam at the bottom. Ended up getting stitches, a bear stuffy, and topical cocaine so obviously I came out ahead
I came out ahead
Topical cocaine!!! Going on an Internet search. Brb…
I did half a backflip once.
I was wearing a helm and got away with a concussion that kept me home for a week.
It’s long time ago, but it was on twitter
I fell on my head in a roller derby bout once. It must have looked pretty ugly because the refs stopped the jam immediately; But, in anticlimactic fashion, my S1 did a great job protecting my noggin.
I had a bit of a headache but no concussion.
One time I randomly decided to jump and touch the ceiling while standing in a doorway… I thought I broke my neck for a minute
Playing football during PE class a lifetime ago. I’m not sure what happened exactly but I got knocked out and regained consciousness face down in the grass.
Fell out of high-chair at age 2, faceplanted and bit through tongue with the only 2 teeth I had at the time. Now have a second uvula on the bottom of my tongue.
Fell off of rocking chair at age 5, smacked forehead on concrete basement floor and now have permanent skull deformation on left side of forehead.
Wacked in the back of head with mop handle by brother pretending to be Jon BonJovi at age 5, 5 stitches and small divot in the skull back there.
Hit on head by rock thrown by neighbor kid age 6, no significant damage.
Fell off bike akira-sliding into driveway at age 7, pizza-faced for a month.
Fell off footpath bridge headfirst on to rocks age 9, 6 stitches administered at a vet’s office because christian day schools are wild as fuck.
Head accidentally slammed in car door age 14.
Suckerpunched in a mugging at 17.
Hit in head by rock that fell off a passing dumptruck age 20, 8 stiches and was extremely lucky that I caught it on the second bounce.
There’s probably more that I’m forgetting (because you know, 10 head injuries.)
You deserve a dedicated wikipedia page ma dude
Slipped backwards while ice skating and my head hit the ice.
When I was younger I fell off a homemade merry go round some neighbors had built. Got hit in the back of the head by one of the horses as I tried to get up. Ended up with staples and a lovely scar.
When I was a teen, idk 15 or so, was just walking back to my house from the non-fenced backyard. Noticed my shoe was untied, noticed an old steel dolly nearby. Dolly was laying upside down, tongue up …so I had the great idea to use the extra height of the dolly so I wouldn’t have to bend down all the way…well I learned about levers that day …the top handle came screaming for the top of my head and then I just seen stars while on my but.
In school I was rocking my chair, fell backwards, hit my head on the corner of the radiator. Blood everywhere.
Miscounted strokes while doing backstroke. Right on the soft spot of the head.
Once, when I was a kid (albeit old enough to know better) I was playing underneath a tall warehouse-style shelf. I could just stand up underneath it, so what do I decide to do? Jump as hard as I can, of course!
I’m not sure how I didn’t end up in hospital on that one.
Years ago I was working construction on a house and a iron clamp (around 2 or three pounds) under tension with a chain snapped and flew towards me and hit me above the forehead hard enough it spun me ass over tea kettle off of a scaffold where I belly flopped onto concrete about 6 or 7 feet down. I woke up about ten minutes later with paramedics around me laying in a pool of blood. I was air lifted by helicopter to the city around 80 miles away.
I still have a nice 2 inch scar on my head from where it hit, but thankfully I have a nice thick skull and I didn’t get any brian dabblage :)
Hey off topic but I’m jealous of how thick your hair is and how thick of a beard you could grow.
Diamond, technically. It’s not the hardest thing in existence but probably the hardest my head has made contact with.