It turns out that, just like fancy graphics, not constantly trying to empty your customers pockets actually represents some kind of economic value. The ironic thing is so many of these old games were literally designed to steal your quarters.
Well, only the arcade versions of games were designed to steal your quarters. The home console versions were much better about not harassing your wallet.
For instance, Gauntlet Legends on its arcade cabinet hardware drained your health at a consistent time based rate. Add more quarters to gain more health. All home console versions abolished this health drain mechanic.
That’s mostly true, except for games made specifically harder so that you’d have to rent them multiple times (eg: ActRaiser 2 NTSC-U/C / SNES is much harder than its NTSC-J / SFC counterpart).
Did game companies get royalties from rentals? I though the idea was that you’d want to buy it if you couldn’t beat it in a rental period
games made specifically harder so that you’d have to rent them multiple times
Fucking BattleToads
Don’t forget Lion King!
I didn’t know they artificially ramped up the difficulty! That game had a reputation when we were kids! Thanks for sharing
That’s mostly true, except for games made specifically harder so that you’d have to rent them multiple times
Wait this was a thing game designers actually to into account? I’ve never heard this
Probably some games did after the home rental market got started, but a lot of older games were difficult specifically to extend the experience. Cartridge storage was small, so if it was too easy you’d get through all 10 levels in less than a day and then feel like you hadn’t got very much for your money.
Well I guess I am just wondering how more rentals from a video store would benefit the developers financially? I mean I’m sure I could research but surely game studios didn’t get any kind of percentage from the rental places based on how many times a title was rented right?
They didn’t want you to rent it multiple times. They wanted you to rent it once, be unable to beat it, but be intrigued enough that you purchased the game from a store. If you could play and beat a game in a single rental, there was little incentive to buy it (so the developers thought, and I imagine had some data to back it up).
More rentals = more demand = more copies purchased by rental stores (I can’t rent you the game you want if someone else has it right now).
But is making a game harder to discourage rental and encourge purchasing stealing your quarters? Id argue no. You still get value if you renting the game, and the idea of rentals is really that if you like it then you pay to own it.
Except there were so many Japanese games not brought to the west because they were deemed too difficult for western gamers.
You say this like you’re correcting the person you’re responding to, but they didn’t dispute this. Both can be true.
The game companies also wanted gamers to call their hotline if they get stuck, where they would charge by the minute to give tips (and they weren’t known for their brief calls).
It’s because those old games are good and fun
Gameplay always wins over everything else. The rest is a bonus.
Simple as
Classic movies, music, etc why not expect classic games?
cheaper, easier, simpler, more accessible, a good game is timeless
Easier is questionable. Some of the older games can be tough as hell. Especially with outdated control schemes.
Easier to get playing, at least.
Put rectangle in rectangle.
Toggle Power.
Enjoy.Its seriously a bigger hassle to figure out where you were in a show on Netflix if it decided not to save your spot in a show than it is to get into a level in a lot of games back in the day.
You forgot blow, blow, try and fail, special blow, etc.
Don’t forget. No saves back then either. You either got nothin or had to write down a crazy save code.
Ninja Gaiden from 1988 is still the hardest game I have ever played. It was next to impossible in the arcade and even harder on the NES
Yeah I grew up with the NES MegaMan games. Revisiting them 30 years later made me realize just how brutally difficult they are. Enemies endlessly spawn and will spawn on top of you.
I love Battletoads, but it’s so hard.
Games of a certain era were intentionally made challenging because they only had about 6 levels. They had to make it last, so they made that shit hard. You’d spend months just trying to beat level 3. Same with arcade machines; though they were hard to make you die and put another quarter in.
I’ve played a lot of different games in recent years. I’ll be honest and say that I’m pretty easy to please. Also I’d say that for the times I was disappointed, it was usually by an AAA title. So much of the time they’re just so boring, the files are massive, and the stories are whatever.
Some of the best gameplay I’ve experienced is in indie games with hand-drawn 2D or pixel graphics. So much more energy is put into games being enjoyable and interesting in these games.
It’s so obvious that many of the features of larger releases are put in by non-gamers. Why do I need a 10 minute “quest” of getting drunk in a saloon with an NPC in RDR2?
There are some great AAA titles, ones that put less energy into marketing and more into polished gameplay. I think if you want to have reliable fun, retro and indie games are the best. And the barrier for entry is a lot more manageable.
Seeing a Wii Fit Balance Board referred to as a retro gaming accessory…
Just fucking bury me now, why don’t you. 💀
what would that make the power glove? or a pong paddle?
Elegant weapons for a more civilised age.
I was taken aback when I saw Ape Escape in CEX for about as much as I’d originally paid for it. Didn’t even have the manual.
Next we introduce them to the Virtual Boy and make their eyes bleed like ours.
DEI departments didn’t exist back then. The creative spirit was allowed to flow.
Genz here, there’s this sweet spot from about 1985 to 2010 where games and even movies just peaked for me. (Yes I’m aware most of that is before I was born). For movies special effects were finally good enough to still hold up today if used well but not so insanely cheap as to get the modern michael bay problem where writing has actually become secondary to often pointless spectacle. With games its a similar story, the end of that time range is pretty much the point of highest technical capability before online updates allowed a ‘fix it later’ philosiphy to creep in as well as all the cool secrets (Red levels + star world + extra second secret star world is still unmatched in sheer childhood wonder) becomming paid DLC.
TLDR: Retro stuff doesn’t nickle and dime you and survivorship bias means we can pick from the best of it.
To a dad that regularly shows his kid stuff from this era, this level of validation is alarming
I imagine it’s the same reason I like movies and music that came out before I was born. You don’t have to be generationally tied to something to like it. People are going to like good things if they’re good. I don’t feel like it really matters when something came out.
There’s a survival bias too. People rarely will hear about or play the bad stuff from that era, but we keep hearing about the bad stuff happening now because of marketing. People then get nostalgic of a time that didn’t really exist. For every Mario Bros there’s a dozen Bad Street Brawler that no one plays today.
As someone who grew up in the 80s there were a lot of garbage from then too, it just didn’t survive the test of time.
I recently started playing Zelda The Minish Cap (GBA) on my PS Vita, and for me the appeal - especially with old handheld games - is the simplicity in terms of game mechanics.
The game only has like a dozen of equippable items, dialog with NPCs is very simple, there’s a lot of puzzles cleverly integrated into the map, a small trading system (forgot what it’s called, these round things where you match your half with an NPCs half), a few different collectibles (heart containers for example) and they pretty much made a very enjoyable game out of that.
Today, a lot of games come with a crafting system, some sort of hunger/food mechanic, complex character progression systems etc. And while I enjoy this a lot of the time, playing a well crafted game based on much simpler (and fewer) mechanics is a welcome change from time to time.
I’ve been on a bit of a retro gaming bender recently and downloaded a bunch of Nintendo emulators and ROMs, but I found that unless I have specific memories around a certain game, it was a little difficult to enjoy them. Also, perhaps I’m spoiled by all those modern PC games I’ve played.
Then I tried some Switch games, and I gotta say, they honestly struck a great balance between visual effects and gameplay. Lots of games there that are basically just remakes of decades old classics, but with high res 3D graphics and modern effects. Seriously considering buying one now.
I’d say it highly depends on the title. Not all games age well, maybe most didn’t. Nostalgia is definitely a factor when it comes to enjoyment of some of these games. I never played Zelda The Minish Cap before and I still enjoy it now, but maybe part of it is generic nostalgia for GameBoy type games. I’d also say GBA games are often more accessible than even older (say NES) games.
And graphically, sure, newer games look quite a lot better. This game didn’t get the remake treatment (yet) though. I disagree that there has to be a “balance” between visual effects and gameplay though (aside from prioritizing development resources). A game can have both amazing graphics and great gameplay mechanics. I also think great graphics and visual design can enhance the gameplay experience.
But I don’t know, I still enjoy the odd “retro” game every now and then.
A game can have both amazing graphics and great gameplay mechanics.
Yes, that’s what I was saying, that I enjoyed playing those games on Switch that are remakes of older games because they generally have both the gameplay mechanics that made the old games great and the graphics to please the modern sense of aesthetics.
That is why I will always miss these “lesser” versions of the games, AKA as handheld games, and the Switch, or the industry, might have killed that already.
The biggest perk of handheld gaming nowadays is doing the “videogame chores” (like sidequests) more comfortably for your adult life, and not like a quick burst gaming style… Perhaps indies might be the only experience of it that is left.
The fact that younger generations are picking it up suggest it’s not just nostalgia. It’s not someone who was there wishing things were still like their childhood. Something has downright broken in the games industry for this to happen.
Something like my generation (elder millennial) listening to Stairway and Dark Side of the Moon. The associated industry was not providing in modern times, so we looked back.
It seems the zoomers picked up a lot of millenial culture. Which I suspect is because the zoomers were exposed to a lot of our culture from an early age. i.e theyre nostalgic for the same stuff because they also grew up being exposed to that culture when they were little
Maybe they’re sick of bug-filled copy/paste endless cash-grab open worlds.
Because it is a time where you picked something up to be transported away from your worries, or just to have a bit of fun. You turned it on, hit start, and for the most part that was it. There were no season passes on the NES. There was no bullshit shoved in your face constantly. It was just the game, and that was it. My kids are shocked when I tell them about the flash game days, or the late 90’s with an N64. If I was there for the commodore and atari days I’m sure I’d have more to say.
The philosophies behind game development has changed so much.
Developers used to try and make fun games that they wanted to play, in hopes that fun games will sell well.
Now they have marketing teams with budgets that are greater than twice the development cost. Committees designing games to maximize addiction. And of course, the endless need to monetize everything, micro transactions, games as a service, etc., in order to maximize profits. Is the game any good? Probably not, but they just need a few whales to dump money into it.
It’s this.
NDS games for example hust have a completely different design language.
Still, Indie games continue to be developed. This will be gaming’s salvation when the big studios are fully committed to squeezing every loot box/DLC/microtransaction out of “Live service” forever games.
I don’t think Clash of Candy Shadow Tanks is going anywhere, but there will always be the next Stardew Valley passion project.
On that note, I think Indy’s have embraced a retro aesthetic because you don’t need a whole art team rendering your graphics. Combine this with AAA games being rather formulaic (can’t risk a big studio budget trying unproven ideas) and I think you have an audience willing to accept older graphics in retro games.
are they? much is propagandized about the new generations to older people but it rarely holds true.
just look at the numbers on any mtx ridden mobile game.
Ive been playing duke nukem 3d as of late. Admittedly it was one of the first real video games i played so big nostalgia but looking at all the other games i played and have installed most are nearing 10 years of age or are older.
I’ve pretty much put everything aside except for my handheld retro gaming thingie - a Miyoo Mini+ - and honestly, I prefer to spend all my time playing 1980s-90s video games. And the arcades! Let’s not forget the arcades… it’s just simpler and more satisfying, and if I lose in 5 minutes that’s fine - I’ll get hours back to do other things in my life.
Berzerk, Altered Beast, Bubble Bobble, Super Mario world, and of course, Tetris… I’ve got hundreds of games, but these pretty much are my favs. It’s just get in, play a game or two, and get out… I’ve had what I wanted. I don’t really enjoy the games nowadays with there’s too much work involved (but then again, I am of an era…)
Arcade games are what got me into emulation in the late 90s. I would occasionally search the web for ways to play pacman, until eventually I found a few arcade emulators. Then I found a group on irc and followed every new release of mame for several years. They had a release every week and you could count on at least one big hit added, usually a few. I was barely interested in other emulators until pretty much every arcade game I heard of was in game.
Now I have too many handheld. My current favorite is the Powkiddy RGB30, and I am waiting for the Miyoo Flip to come out.
Ohh I’d love to ask you: which emulation handheld you think provides the best arcade emulation experience for vertical shmups?
I mean, the first person to ever play NES Tetris long enough to make it crash is like 13 right now.