Built a new killer rig last summer. Have spent 90% of my time with it playing HL1 mods.
Recently upgraded to a 7800x3D, 64GB DDR5, and a 4070… which I’ve been using to get back into modded Minecraft recently.
Tbf, the larger modpacks can be pretty resource intensive.
Turns out that people like playing games that respect their time and aren’t a glorified second job. Who knew.
Tell that to everyone playing games like path of exile (which i admittedly have also played too much of in the past).
PoE, Factorio, etc
I seem to like games that require spreadsheets
I am on a 6 year old computer playing 10 year old games. I don’t see a need to upgrade anytime soon.
I’m on a 5 year old computer playing 20-30 year old games. I’m good over here. 😂
I bet WoW runs like a dream on that machine 😂
I haven’t tried it! That would be like giving a reformed crack addict a hit off the pipe. 😂 No way can I ever even consider going back to that game.
I do hate being in the never ending upgrade cycle but the 10 year old games are limited, at least the ones I like to play.
New games just don’t have a ‘punch’ to it anymore. They are not not game breaking anymore.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with old games either. They are the same as they were, which is why reboots and remakes are so popular.
I want to agree but some games are really well done. Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is a good example.
I feel like many people are so focused on graphics and looks, like raytracing for example, that gameplay/story has become less important? Sucks but it is what it is I guess…
A good story isn’t something groundbreaking that marketing teams can slap on the box in the same way they can with ray tracing dlss or whatever else I guess
Really looking forward to Kitten Space Agency though
Much of my PC gaming, back in the day, was “oh this looks like a good game. Runs like dogshit on my PC though. Maybe I’ll wait until I get a better PC.” [wait 10 years] “My ADHD has gone worse, I can’t play all this stuff”
I’m playing a new old game, because i’m playing the Suikoden Remaster. There for I have beaten the system by simultaniously playing both an 20+ year old game and a brand new game thats a few weeks old.
I got a steam deck on the way and I’m so stoked to use it for Suikoden. I hope they remaster number three!
It’s the Baldur’s Gate saga for me right now, and I’m still in the BG1 campaign.
It is such a great game to play on the couch with a trackball while chilling with the family.
Older games = more than 2 years old? Then the same goes for readers, movie and TV watchers, etc media consumption most isn’t from the current or previous years
Either oldish titles or Indies, mainstream game devs are pure malaria
I can agree with this: All the hype around KCD:2 led me to buying/playing KCD:1
I play Rocket League and ~30,000 MAME games on a converted Arcade 1up. I’m waiting for my payment to go through for Vintage Story though – that one is fairly new!
Still playing Battlefield 1942 mods.
I’m still playing Skyrim.
I was playing a bunch of Skyrim with mods last year! Awesome game.
Well. The nature of my backlog is like I wait for games to come down in price and by the time I get to them they’re 10 years old haha.
I also have a habit of playing through the entire series before playing the newest one. I’m currently playing Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion which is the 4th game from Japan in that series but the 2nd to be released in US, SO I’m playing through it even though I don’t like it and will beat the next two games to finally play Trails in the Sky which is the one I really probably should have started with.
I do that with all my games, like Doom Eternal looks cool and so does the upcoming Dark Ages, but I went back and played Doom 1 & 2. 64, then the updated remaster of Doom 1 & 2 when that came out, and now I’m working on Doom 3. I got one more whole Doom game before I even get to Eternal.