Do I get a vision of my entire life, or do I just have to choose on a whim?
Choose on a whim
Do I have knowledge of when I will be born? And am I aware of the high and lows of the era?
Then my answer is No.
Humans have not yet reached a point in the entire history where they are deemed worthy of being part of.
If there is a point in the future where there is acceptance of all, fairness for all, and peace among all, then I would say yes.
That version of human will have the ultimate freedom.
absolutely, I’m a fucking delight. Eudaemonia, baby!
Warning: ITT, lots of nonresponse bias.
Life dissatisfaction guides people to type no;
neutrally satisfied folks will skip;
the relatively contented might type a “yes” or be offline.
With today’s historical context, there’s a bit of a skew, especially for those hanging out online o( ; ´ ﹏ `;)oAs for me, I’m excepted. I have decent dissatisfaction rather often, but arrogantly – I’d be born a million times, every time (unless you ask me at a bad moment).
Even at my worst, why do I not roll over and die? “I want to see how my story ends.”
No is not such a pleasant decision in this question, in order to answer this way you need to really feel and witness really bad things. Therefore, a large number of such answers says something…
A. Even with how shit the world is there’s enough good that exists for it to be worth it.
B. If I didn’t exist, I would never have a chance to help improve the world in my small way.
Same view but I also have had it pretty good. Great family and support, passed that on to my kids, and I’ve had a lot of support with great teachers through my years so now I pass that on to those less fortunate and it just does it for me. It’s a great feeling helping others.
Here’s your Christmas advice kids: care about other people, nothing else will actually fulfill you.
If I had the choice ahead of time? No, I wouldn’t choose to be born.
If it’s a retroactive thing though, I wouldn’t undo my birth
Just like how we don’t know what it would feel like to be dead, and we dread dying, I suppose choosing to be born would feel like death of that self that is given this choice, so I guess the question can be rephrased as “if you could die in this moment, would you choose that?”
I guess not.
Yes. If I’m actually some kind of cosmic being that can choose to be born yes, I am taking that pill. I’m taking all the experience pills.
Yes! I’d rather there be something than nothing. It’s a wonder that anything exists at all
Yes, but with better teeth.
Fuck no.
Now? No.
If I had the choice I’d wait a century or twoI reckon so, yeah. Better than nothing, right? Been plenty of good with the bad. That’s about all a disembodied energy form could really hope for, after all.
Depends. What’s the alternative?
What does that entail?
No alternative. You will not exist
Yeah, it’s worth it. Plus maybe I can help.
Even if my life currently is not bad, there are and have been bad times. Not existing is never bad. So no.
Not existing is neither bad nor good, existence is the experience of both good and bad things. Don’t only focus on the bad ones.