There’s a whole lot of people who are basically famous with being famous…
As somebody who was born in 2007, I have no clue who modern celebrities are either. People consider me out of touch but I have no idea what half of what people around me are saying. The acronyms don’t help and I am too scared to search them up.
In the distant future, when we look back on scattered social media caps, we will regret that the date of posting is not shown. Like scattered pages from books unknown, page numbers elided.
Is Baby Gronk the new Drip King, or is he just getting rizzed up by Livvy?
I love that yours is entirely real but it feels just as fake as the entirely fake one you are replying too 🤣
entirely real
I will press (Gen) X to doubt…
These posts feel like Interdimensional Cable from Rick and Morty.
Personally, I loved the idea of new media. Cable was shit.
After experiencing new media… there’s some good stuff in there, guys. I promise. Just gotta wade through mountains of shit.
There should be some rule like; if you have a preference it can’t exist all by itself unless it’s watered down or mixed in with every other preference.
Thank all that is good for genres. At least there is some media that can define itself clearly enough and still build enough of a following to self fund.
Just remember folks, those 2007 people are able to vote now.
I just aged 40 years
Fuck im 25 and feel 40, this is why I will not shy away from my day of destined death. I can feel that it’ll be before I’m 40 and I frankly want nothing to do with being 40.
One day you’ll wake up and realize people born on the year you graduated school can legally vote, drink, etc. A short time later those kids have kids of their own … and you are ( or are old enough to be ) a grandparent.
The worst part is you’ll still mentally feel like you’re not much older than your late 20s or 30s.
I’m 38 and I feel 40, and you know…none of it has been worth anything.
Also 25, and looking forward to my inevitable death too!
Na, being 40 is fine. I’m 45, eat well and get a little exercise. I am healthier than I was in my 20’s, I have more stamina and I think more clearly.
Luckily by the time you get there I’m sure you will feel it will be yourself soon, and will be more a feeling of existential dread than a fear of loss.
But what makes it sad, death is the harm of deprivation, presupposing lack, loss, or absence of some future goods. At the same time, people deprived of things valuable for them try to acquire them joining some movements or struggling for some privileges.
Perhaps I should’ve spelled out why I am so willing to embrace death. I do not care about myself and of the general opinion that I could do more for mankind by throwing myself into violence. I wish to make someone I hate or who opposes my end goals bleed out right alongside me, I ain’t picky. The problem is that even if I end up like my 3X great grandfather and practically don’t age till I’m 70 I would still face some amount of slowdown in my physical or mental faculties, slowdown that may make me less effective.
The only way I could be convinced otherwise would be if I could purge my biological fathers blood from my veins. Or if I do my damnedest to get myself killed and somehow survive. Not like I’m rushing into it, I swore an oath to my friends that I wouldn’t do anything unless I get a Stamford bridge.
just wait until you’re 34 and feel 68
deleted by creator
I feel seen.
I feel that. I have no clue about new celebrities. Or old ones. I just don’t care enough about them to keep with their lives. Only a few I have an actual interest in/like
I’m 29 so maybe I’m too young for this statement but if you ask me it’s because younger celebrities tend to be the result of nepotism and don’t have any actual talents.
which has always been true
The nepotism part has always been true, but the category of celebrities “being famous despite having no talent” did not exist until Paris Hilton. Princesses and Kings aren’t celebrities.
before radio, every born noble was famous despite having no talent, with the rare exception of the talented ones
Speaking of, Paris Hilton’s great grandfather was married to Zsa Zsa Gabor.
there’s a whole rube Goldberg machine of celebrities of that era that are married or related.
Definitely. We still have that to this day, such as the Kardashians. At least with the Internet some people become famous without those moneyed connections but those are still the exception.
I am simultaneously enriched and diminished by knowing that.
Is that the lady from Green acres? It’s the place to be!
Nope, it’s her sister, you’re thinking of Eva Gabor. Darling I love you but give me Park Avenue.
Don’t half ass the job, kid. Ass it completely!
Zis has been a Filmways presentation dahling.
Her sister…
I don’t regret any of this one bit, you look them up and it’s always someone shilling products extremely hard while doing extremely low effort content like reaction videos or streaming Minecraft.
The TV stations around me are desperate to attract the young viewers, so they always have influencers as guests on their shows and what not, and I simply do not get it.Today’s guest: Billy Bobberson.
What’s he famous for? Oh he posts some selfies on Instagram daily and every other post is a sponsored brand promo.
Why the fuck do people even follow influencers like this???Because most people are stupid. It is easier for stupid people to follow fake celebrities aka influencers, than to read a book or think for themselves.
The fact that ‘influencer’ is a legitimate job title is proof that humanity is doomed.
I work for an influencer now, I went to a reputable film school and have a masters degree. I used to do documentaries on BLM for god’s sake.
there were always similar jobs going all the way back to the rennaisance
They aren’t some symbol of the end times or anything, they’re just a symptom of the sort of attention based economy we’ve built up here in America. They exist precisely because you can get paid to shill products while playing Minecraft.
If we reign in the marketing and advertising industries then influencers will fall alongside them.
Or, if we regulate “proper” ads and fail to do the same to influencers, whether on purpose or not, then they will become a primary source of advertising. Depending how this is handled could be a good or bad thing.
Hi, today’s post is sponsored by draft kings! If you sign up today and put $10 in your account they’ll give you $100!
Man fuck any influencer who pushes gambling.
It’s also one of the few ways to make money available to them that has a chance of making them enough money to live the way their grandparents did. Certainly the easiest to get into.
My friend with young cousins was telling me that kids are using “sigma” instead of “cool” now?
“That’s so sigma, bruh.”
The fuck?
'The fuck" is now “what the sigma” at least that’s what I gathered from lurking on shitposting communities
Edit: and I’m deeply afraid of using it around people who don’t know what that means. And also around people who do know what it means.
50% of what Gen X thinks is zoomer slang is actually jokes at zoomer slang’s expense
reminds me of that oprah show when a lady reads out then contemporary teenage sexual slang and it’s so obvious the kids were fucking with her
wdym I went to SO many rainbow parties as a 9 year old
Start speaking in Greek to them. Asspro means white.
I’m something of an asspro myself
I was talking to my primary-school age kids about their teachers, and one of them says their next teacher will be Mr Smith.
“He’s old,” they said, “he must be at least fifty”.
I said “nah man. Mr Smith is probably only a few years older than me, early forties I reckon”.
They had me with “no he’s like really old. He reads a newspaper”
Are you under the impression that newspapers are still in fashion? Feel like they’re kind of right on that one.
About a decade ago my employer had an intern present their findings from analyzing some survey data. One of the findings was this:
“People who answer surveys are really old. Like really old. Like thirty.”
Yeah, the other day I was consulting with another therapist, and I was telling her how in EMDR therapy I often say “don’t give me the whole article, just the headline” when I want to explain to the client to avoid talking too much during EMDR. she works with teens, and she went “yeah, that will not fly with my clients.”
We came up with “don’t give me the long-form video, just give me the TikTok” as we both felt we were inching closer to the grave, lol.
“Give me the clip, not the VOD.” How do you do, fellow kids?
I’m Gen Z and I feel like I’d still understand the article analogy, but when I think about my gen-alpha cousins maybe they would need the TikTok analogy…
I’m not a Gen Z but how about, give me the TLDR?
I like this, I’m going to tell her about this.
We came up with “don’t give me the long-form video, just give me the TikTok” as we both felt we were inching closer to the grave, lol.
“Give me the Reader’s Digest condensed version.”
“How does what a reader eats have anything to do with this? and why would we need a condensed version of that diet description?”
oh god, I’m old.
Hey kids! Anything interesting in the latest TV Guide?
Oh really? I’ll have to set up my DVR to tape it, I’ll be at a doctor appointment when the first episode airs…
Bro im not that old and i remember this, all the good English shows used to air new episodes at night.
Brother, if you remember that, you are old by young people standards.
I remember being … around 10 and poking fun at my not even 40 yet dad for using a dot matrix printer and fax machine… in the late 90s or early 00’s.
That’s not too far from the same age gap as the TV Guide / DVR thing.
A 10 year old now would probably make fun of a person having a digital document scanner at home. What’s the point? Just take a picture of the document with your 8384 megapixel smartphone.
On that note: Polaroids, film cameras, low grade digital cameras or camcorders as fairly common household items, fucking landline home phones.
Most kids born in the last 10 or 15 years would laugh at these, or the idea of them, just like I laughed at a dot matrix printer and home fax machine in the late 90s, or grandma still having a rotary phone instead of a cordless home phone.
Jesus, I don’t think I’ve actually even thought about the last time I made a home phone call on a phone with a cord… in about a decade.
I’m only 22 yet I still made a call on a rotary phone last week and used a CRT to watch some TV. My grandma’s guest room tech has not been replaced since my mom moved out lol.
“Give me the Season 1 recap.”
This is a good one, thanks!
I live but to serve.
Primary school age children are horrible at guessing age. One time when I was 16 a group of 6 year olds estimated I was 40. And I don’t look old, a few weeks ago, I got carded buying beer, which is 16+. I’m 27.
Streamer on doop? Do they know Zapp?
“I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies.”
(at least Zapp remembered how to pronounce champagne by that episode)
Name is uppercut but the picture is the hundred (thousand?) Hand slap. Great work.
It’s from the sf2 turbo snes box art-- the uppercut is getting slapped out of frame
“You win again, gravity!”
You’ve seen boomer humor. Get ready for milly mirth
They’re lucky not to know, doop fell hard off after it was acquired by Skoot Corp.
I’m still so mad at the Skoot Corp CEO for that ridiculous re-skeet where they memed the javalina charrp boys on doop.
Am I having the stroke? Or is everyone else?
We’re all part of the stroke